The MEHI – Media Art History in Finland project cataloged reference information on 1000 media art works and 1,594 artists, authors and communities. The trilingual database will be available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Technical details related to the storage and publication of the reference database are currently being finalized for publication in early 2024.
The database is created as a collaboration between 20 media art organizations, festivals, production companies, and information scientist Sandra Lindblom working for the MEHI project.
The MEHI Project’s aim was to create a set that represents the diversity of media art in terms of content, aesthetics and technology, as well as the phases and characteristics of Finnish media art. Consistency and systematicity are the key factors of quality data collection. To support the data collection, a common, updated and detailed cataloging guide was created. The guide can be read as a Google Docs file, and questions and comments can be added to it. The cataloging instructions of the MEHI project (in Finnish) are based on the standards of the museum industry.

The Artists’ Association MUU with the information specialist Sandra Lindblom were responsible for realizing the media art database as part of the MEHI – Media Art History in Finland project, financed by AVEK, Kone Foundation, The Ministry of Education and Culture, Oskar Öflund Foundation, The Finnish Cultural Foundation and The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland.

The MEHI – Media Art History in Finland project 2021–2023, led by The Finnish Media Art Network, was realized in a consortium with AV-arkki, the Centre for Finnish Media Art, M-cult, Artists’ Association MUU, Poike Productio, SOLU / Bioart Society and FLASH – the Finnish Light Art Society.